Friday, June 14, 2013

72 hours

So today I was at work and this little boy asked me to slice him some bread that was not on the bread board.  OK so it was almost time to close but he was cute and a little high maintenance so I pulled it off the shelf the for him and then proceeded to ring his dad up. Then the little boy starts freaking out because where is his Pumpkin Spice? Then his little sister starts to do the same.  And the dad is kinda stressed out because they keep talking him into buying other sweets. And then the boy is asking why I can't do so many things at once...really...but then...then...he goes oh, it's cuz she's a girl! What are you kidding? You didn't even say please for your Pumpkin Spice thank you very much! And I already had Pumpkin Chocolate on the bread board...what kid doesn't like chocolate. So apparently eight year old boys are superior to girls slicing their favorite bread for them.
Good to know.
Anyways...I'm not bitter.
Also yesterday at work the power went off for some time and it was a real eye opener. We had to make change without the computer and figure out tax and everything else...which is not a big deal. It really wasn't at all but, I realized we rely on technology so much. I'm not bad at math and I can count change just fine but I feel like I had to think about it longer then I needed to when I was adding on tax and such. The power went back out later that night due to a fire and that was interesting for sure. It made me think...well good thing the power was only out for 2 hours but what if it had been longer? My phone was almost dead, I didn't have much anything else in regards to food besides what was in the fridge, I did have some headlamps and I do have camping gear but what about my 72 hour kit?! Do I have nope. Could I figure things out if my phone had died, or my computer had died? Or if the internet went down would I be completely lost? Can I do anything without technology??  I would like to think so but it is a bit crazy how much I rely on technology. So that was good to get me I just have to think of ways that I can put together a 72 hour kit and a small bit of food storage as a poor college student. But that'll be fun. Living on a shoe string is kind of exciting...sometimes stressful...but it allows you to be creative. And that can be kinda fun.
And it made me think that investing into one of those Solar Monkeys that charges all your electronic devices wouldn't be a bad idea...but who knows.

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