Wednesday, June 26, 2013

3 hrs

3 hours of sleep. 6 hours of making panels and stretching canvas, 3 hours of figure drawing, 1 1/2 hours of rock climbing up Rock Canyon, and about the same waiting for shakes at Sammy's...but surprisingly I'm not that tired. Oh I forgot...yesterday in Figure Drawing I went to stretch and the front of my bra totally snapped! It completely broke in half so I pretty much had 4 boobs for 3 hours yesterday. So swell haha. Successfully jumped a curb on my bike and rode with out hands....I know I just barely am learning to do the things most people did as kids but, I was always way too scared! And I did a 5.11a. Whoo baby.
Read an excerpt from a book on fear and art that I found quite interesting. Part of it talked about an art teacher who graded half the class on the quantity of pots they made that semester and the other half just on one quality pot. Turned out the part of the class that were graded on quantity produced better quality pots as well.  We also discussed the 10000 hour rule in art today. Realistically speaking it'll take about 5 years to put 10000 hours into that means I have a lot of room for improvement the next few years...more then five even. So I shouldn't get discouraged when results aren't instant.

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