Sunday, September 8, 2013

Best Day Eva.

ok...I'm blogging again. I can't help it because I had such a fantastic day yesterday. Seriously. I can't describe it anymore than just by saying that my soul was full of joy. My whole being. It was glorious to say the least. I just felt like it was the best day of my life for some reason. Started the day with pancakes, went to work. Then the real magic started. I went fishing with my good friend.  He helped me go jump start my friend's car at Walmart. After starting the car back up we turned around and saw the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen in my life! A full bow! And it was a double rainbow. Almost a triple. Very slight, but mhmmm so beautiful. God exists friends :) and he let's us know through daily tender mercies in our lives like that. So of course we have to follow the end of the rainbow to the pot of gold. And guess where it leads to? Provo Canyon! Heck yes. Of course there's gonna be gold there. That place is gorgeous. So we head out to the canyon to fish. Talking about life. Listening to Fleet Foxes.  (if you don't know who these guys are. Then look them up!) Talk about pure joy. Being able to sit in that car with someone I actually enjoyed spending time with, having meaningful conversations, and listening to music that automatically makes your whole want to smile. That was fantastic. My soul was just happy.
(notice all the flip flops and beer cans...what the heck?!)

We didn't have much success fishing, but I guess that depends on what you decided success is. We didn't catch anything that's for sure, but we got outside and we were able to enjoy the good ol' outdoors. On our way back out of the canyon I just felt so ridiculous like a little kid on Christmas because it kept getting better! And pictures, especially from a crappy non-smart phone, don't do this justice.

 As you get out of the canyon it got even better because you could see more of the valley.  The sky was like a beautiful oil painting from an art history book. Like from the Hudson River School except instead of that idea of fantasy you sometimes feel when you look at those paintings it was real life. And it rocked! The sun was setting and clouds were this beautiful orange. You would look to the east and the mountains had this hazy look because of the rain, the mountains in the distance were this beautiful red. You look south down the road and it looked like a chalk drawing where someone had wiped their hand across it to make the rain effect. Golden.
Got home and our friend brought over a puppy. Did you know you can rent a puppy for day? Well  you can. Best idea I've ever heard of.
Then I went running with an old friend. I'm here to testify that God exists my friends. And often He let's us know by the people he allows us to cross paths with.

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